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Oct. 8 2020
While a lot of people might have Friday night plans, many farmers plans don't include leaving their farm
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Sept. 30 2020
Death and destruction in its wake, nothing but dreams and love it takes. Nothing is spared, not a life not a care, fire is here and it is not fair
Sept. 25 2020
In a world of pandemic conditions and political discussions, it seems like there’s a new thing to worry about every day
Sept. 24 2020
My late mother was a fabulous cook. Everyone raved about her meals, and especially all her desserts. Truth be told, she didn't learn to cook until she married my father and soon after had to feed a family...
Sept. 22 2020
A major role of the Animal Agriculture Alliance is monitoring animal rights activist organizations
Sept. 18 2020
One of my best friends told me she wanted the full farm experience, so I invited her to stay on our acreage and dive into farm life in abundant and not-so-glamorous ways
Sept. 17 2020
We have a Georgia public fishing area a mile from the farm. There they have an Environmental Education Center that does a phenomenal job teaching kids (and adults) about wetlands, wildlife, and the environment
Sept. 10 2020
Dear K, Remember when you said you would never live on a dairy farm when you grew up? I'll end the suspense — you end up marrying a dairy farmer!
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Sept. 8 2020
As I clicked on the LinkedIn website the other day, the first image on my newsfeed was of two people I knew well: a Florida dairy farmer and his youngest daughter
Aug. 27 2020
We started chopping corn silage this week, which provides a great opportunity for our farm kids to help and learn.Is it just me, or are all of the mothers out there feeling a tad overwhelmed
Aug. 25 2020
I think we can all agree 2020 has been a little rocky. COVID-19 has transformed what we think of as regular, day-to-day routines into unpredictable days, weeks, and even months
Aug. 19 2020
Hello summer! It’s nice to know you’re still around . . . now please leave!
Aug. 13 2020
This summer, we have struggled to find farm help. Fortunately, we haven’t been in this position much before now
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Aug. 10 2020
American consumers and American dairy farmers love cheese, but we likely don’t often remember the by-product that comes from making that cheese
Aug. 6 2020
It’s that time of the year again: silage season. We just got through cutting all of the corn silage, and now we are getting equipment ready to harvest sorghum
Aug. 4 2020
We recently hosted dairy farmers from New York on our farm in Oregon. I had never met these farmers before, but we had been connected through the Guernsey breed
July 31 2020
My family went on their first vacation to visit a friend in California last spring. It was the first time in 18 years that my parents had left the farm for more than a long weekend outside of driving distance
July 30 2020
Not too long ago, I was inside sipping some ice tea and reading a book, when I paused, looked outside my kitchen window, and smiled
July 28 2020
While June Dairy Month is now in the rearview mirror, some animal rights activist organizations will remain focused on the dairy industry
July 24 2020
If you’ve never seen the movie The Princess Bride, keep reading, but once you’re done, go watch it